The Duquesne Incline,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Observation Deck
The Duquesne Incline, Pittsburgh,
Observation Deck
With View of Downtown Pttsburgh's Beautiful Golden Triangle,
Ranked Second Most Beautiful View in America
by USA Weekend Magazine !
Free Incline Parking
In 1987, contributions from major
foundations, as
well as the general
public, made it possible to replace the ancient tar-paper roof over the
cable room and shop with a sturdy concrete slab. This provides a large,
handsome Observation Deck offering the most
spectacular view of
Pittsburgh's Central Business District, affectionately known as "The
Golden Triangle;" much of the rest of the city, as well as some nearby
suburban areas, can also be viewed from this summit. Two binocular
telescopes, for public use on the Observation Deck, assist with the view
of the city and environs.
In addition, a small wing was added to house administrative offices and an
enlarged gift shop,
as well as a small extension of the Upper Station's museum gallery. Income
from the sale of souvenirs has been most important in providing funds for
the Incline's capital-improvement program.
The new Observation Deck, museum gallery wing, and
offices made possible by these major contributors
(1985 to 1987)
Bell of Pennsylvania(now, Bell Atlantic)********Christopher
Alfred P. Brooks****************************W.I. Patterson Charitable
Howard Heinz Endowment********************Pittsburgh Foundation
Vira I. Heinz Endowment*********************Rockwell International
The Hillman Foundation**********************South Hills
Mary Hillman Jennings Fund******************U.S. Steel Corporation(now,
USX Corporation)
Laurel Foundation***************************VFW Post
5111(Mount Washington Heights)
Mellon Bank, N.A.****************Society for the Preservation of the
Duquesne Heights Incline
And by Public Subscription
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