I. The easiest way is to set-up a link to the icon on The Duquesne Incline's web account(on the server of Carnegie Library's Three Rivers Free-Net). Once you choose where to place The Duquesne Incline icon, on your home page, type the following into the proper location, within your home page's HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) code:
To Download The Duquesne Incline icon from the Incline web site, and then transfer it onto your home page:
1) Using your mouse, move the cursor onto the icon of The Duquesne Incline.
2) Using the RIGHT BUTTON ON THE MOUSE, SLOWLY click once. Using the LEFT BUTTON ON THE MOUSE, click on the phrase, "Save this Image as..."
3) Save The Duquesne Incline icon by clicking on "OK". This downloads the icon into the computer's hard disk-drive(or onto a floppy diskette, if you have so arranged).
4) At this point, FTP(File Transfer Protocol) the Incline icon into your World Wide Web account[icon is labeled: "duqinclineicon.GIF"].
5) If you wish to save The Duquesne Incline icon in a particular folder, then choose the folder you wish to use.
6) After you choose where to place the icon, on your home page, type the following into the proper location, within your home page's HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) code:
If you have any problems, or further questions, regarding this procedure, contact Glenn A. Walsh by telephone at (412) 561-7876 or by electronic mail at gawalsh@incline.cc.
To have you home page title(with link to your home page) included on The Duquesne Incline Web Partners page, contact Glenn A. Walsh by telephone at (412) 561-7876 or by electronic mail at gawalsh@incline.cc. Include the home page title you wish displayed on The Duquesne Incline Web Partners page and the exact Internet(World Wide Web) address needed to reach this home page.